Complete guide on How to Master Manufacturing in Extreme Uncertainty

Learn about the containers, DevOps, continuous delivery strategies for MES and IT keys to operating effectively in uncertain times.

Complete guide on How to Master Manufacturing in Extreme Uncertainty

Learn about the containers, DevOps, continuous delivery strategies for MES and IT keys to operating effectively in uncertain times.

White Paper

Digital Transformation for Manufacturing AgilityIT keys to operating effectively in uncertain times

By Julie Fraser, Tech-Clarity

Manufacturers operating in uncertain times need better agility to succeed with continuous improvement and operational excellence. Upgrading to a modern Manufacturing IT system unlocks exponential performance improvement by improving responsiveness. Manufacturers can leverage containerization strategies and DevOps environments by investing in new IT solutions with an advanced technology architecture to improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profit margins.

Download this paper to learn how manufacturers can boost performance and progress from a digital transformation strategy by using a single enterprise manufacturing software suite that is agile, responsive, and fully supports both line of business and IT needs.

  • The challenge of enterprise MES
  • Modern MES capabilities
  • Containerization for deployment choice
  • Container orchestration to optimize IT performance
  • DevOps environment for progress and extending DevOps for ecosystem access
  • Deployment coordination

Download this white paper to get a complimentary technical paper.

Master Manufacturing Software Under Extreme UncertaintyContainers, devOps and continuous delivery strategies for MES

Technical paper by Francisco Almada Lobo, Critical Manufacturing CEO

Technology advances over the past decade have all contributed to the rapid deployment, management and scalability of enterprise applications such as MES. This White Paper explores the following aspects of containerization and its role in scaling, ensuring system availability and standardization, and product traceability across factories.

What’s in the technical paper?

  • Containerization, as the most proficient way to achieve a deployment more independent of the physical environment
  • Separation of containers into packages that are independently deployable and scalable, including separate apps, IIoT solutions, customization and master data packages, etc.
  • Solution adapted to run on different technologies and container orchestration (such as Kubernetes)
  • DevOps portal to, after a simple configuration, deploy with just one click
  • Local agent component that establishes a secure connection to the DevOps portal for installation of on premises environments
  • Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment tools and practices to facilitate the entire process of development, testing, validation and deployment of the solution, carried out by the different teams involved.

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