Semiconductor Manufacturing

Leverage the latest advanced MES capabilities for innovation and efficiency.

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Semiconductor Manufacturing

Leverage the latest advanced MES capabilities for innovation and efficiency.

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Achieve connected, automated and knowledge intensive production

Critical Manufacturing’s MES for Semiconductor is a unified application that has the broadest footprint of pre-integrated modules and functional capabilities required for process engineering, equipment engineering, quality management, planning and logistics and manufacturing operations. The distributed architecture and an open platform is designed to rapidly scale according to manufacturing needs.

Gain advanced capabilities on your shop floor

Move beyond legacy manufacturing systems to leverage advanced capabilities and increase speed of learning, innovate new technologies faster and achieve higher levels of automation, while driving down costs. Critical Manufacturing’s modular solution will enable you to:

Reduce WIP on the shop floor and enforce the execution of the material route with full material traceability and genealogy at the individual lot or wafer level. Critical Manufacturing’s material model supports all types of Material-Carrier-Wafer configurations as well as single wafer tracking across equipment clusters (e.g.: multi-chamber equipment), enabling any material logical and physical operation of a semiconductor manufacturing process.

Execute experiments transparently and seamlessly, even in mass volume production. Experiment Management module supports both the Design of Experiment (DoE) and the execution.  For single wafer tracking, engineers can create multiple experiments in a single lot by assigning individual wafers to different experiment groups, which can be configured to perform any number of variations and deviations against the Process of Record (POR).

The Factory Automation module is an event-based factory-level workflow system that helps manufacturers to progressively increase their automation capabilities all the way to high automation. Automatically react to a factory level event or execute any type of short or long-running job including control of autonomous transport systems.

Manage recipes using dynamic parameter values computed with simple business rules or by an external Run-to-Run system. The Recipe Management module provides a hierarchical recipe object model to handle recipes and sub-recipes with the same or different parameters. Connect IoT, natively integrated equipment integration module, can automatically select, upload and verify recipes before lots are processed.

HRL Laboratories is a high-tech research facility for the automotive aerospace and government sectors. By implementing the Critical Manufacturing MES, HRL Laboratories has gained the ability to get insight into their operations that simply wasn’t possible before. Watch the full testimonial from Dr Dana Wheeler.

Advanced MES capabilities for the Semiconductor Industry

Critical Manufacturing MES ensures a modular, yet fully integrated management of shop-floor resources.  The 40+ product capabilities provided by more than 20 modules are fully interoperable and give you real-time visibility and control across global manufacturing operations.

TIP: Click on the selected modules for more information.

icon_manufacturing_operations Manufacturing Operations
Materials & Containers
Resource Tracking
Routing & Dispatching
Data Collection
Master Data Management and Change Control
Tasks & Checklists
icon_visibility_and_intelligence Visibility & Intelligence
BI Cards
Data Warehouse
fabLIVE: Factory Digital Twin
Alarm Management
Augmented Reality
icon_quality_management Quality Management
Sampling Based Inspection / AQL
Statistical Process Control (SPC)
Exception Management
Document Management
Experiment Management
Operational Efficiency
Maintenance Management
Order Management
Labor Management
Advanced Layout & Printing
Material Logistics
icon_automation_and_integration Integration & Automation
Enterprise Integration
Equipment Integration: Connect IoT
Recipe Management
Wafer Mapping
Factory Automation
Frank-van-der-Scheur profile photo

Before implementing Critical Manufacturing MES, Philips had spent several years trying to standardize operations with a competitive product, without a successful result. It proved to be inflexible for Front End operations and we could not achieve useful reporting. We had to change course and after a mapping exercise with potential MES candidates, Critical Manufacturing ranked highly with advanced capabilities designed specifically for use in Front End and semiconductor operations.

Frank van der Scheur Head of MEMS & Micro Devices at Philips
Fraunhofer logo big

We have 11 research institutes, and we wanted an MES that could create the same data structure in each, so that we can share processes. This will be a big benefit.
Digitalization saves a lot of effort for the processes but setting them up is an investment in time and cost. Everyone is now putting their time into productivity.

Frank Hochschulz Project Manager MES Implementation at Fraunhofer Research Fab Microelectronics Germany FMD

Integrate equipment seamlessly

A semiconductor plant contains equipment from multiple vendors that can be classified as process, metrology, sorter, storage and transport. Connect IoT provides seamless connectivity and integration with virtually any equipment that provides an interface, such as SECS/GEM, OPC-UA and OPC-DA, Files or Databases. Connect IoT performs automated data collection and also controls equipment by sending commands to initiate and perform process steps.

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Seize the benefits on your shop floor

As pioneers in MES, semiconductor manufacturers often only know older systems. Critical Manufacturing MES is modern, configurable and ready with the advanced capabilities required to advance innovation, new business models and technologies. Gain the benefits:

Full traceability and visibility

Maintain end to end traceability; increase visibility with fabLIVE Digital Twin and resolve problems faster.

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Operations efficiency

Boost efficiency and productivity to Improve yield performance and OEE, reduce WIP and cycle time for on-time delivery.

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Speed up innovation

Speed up new product introduction and transform innovation capabilities with Experiments Management.

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Powerful analytics

Improve the speed of learning with the power of an integrated IoT Platform, advanced analytics and machine learning.

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Low risk

Confidently migrate to the most modern solution to reduce risk from legacy MES with an expert semiconductor team support.

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Competitive advantage

Gain agility to respond to market shifts, customer requests, and R&D with robust configuration and rollout capabilities.

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Insights for transformational leaders in manufacturing

Press Release
Critical Manufacturing Recognized as a Leader in 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for MES for Third Consecutive Year

eBook and Technical Guide - Advanced Capabilities in Semiconductor Manufacturing card preview 956x538px_1
Reimagining Semiconductor MES

Reimagining Semiconductor MES. Advanced Fab Capabilities for Agility and Success

Silicon Wafers and Microcircuits with Automation system control application
Semiconductor Manufacturing: 5 signs you need to migrate to a modern MES  

Having a more automated semiconductor manufacturing operation begins with a modern MES at the core of a digital transformation.

8 reasons why manufacturing IIoT projects fail
8 Reasons Why Manufacturing IIoT Projects Fail

What are the common challenges with IIoT projects? Can you avoid them?

Multisite MES Streamlines FMD’s Microelectronics Development

Research Fab Microelectronics Germany has bought together 13 research institutes and given them the advantages of a centralized organization. To further cooperation and accelerated learning among its institutes, FMD decided to source a common Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to operate across its multiple sites.

Enable unprecedented performance with the most complete and modern MES

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