What is the Future for MES Technology? (EN)

MES als Katalysator einer tiefgreifenden Transformation.

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What is the Future for MES Technology? (EN)

MES als Katalysator einer tiefgreifenden Transformation.

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What is the Future for MES Technology?

Today factories are running through a transformation based around leveraging data from every smart tool to create “information-intensive” processes. This has far-reaching implications in the way manufacturing processes are run.

In this webinar, Lorenzo Veronesi, Research Manager for IDC Manufacturing Insights EMEA will deliver insights about:

  • How companies see smart factories as an enabler to real business success.
  • How smart factories completely revolutionize how people work in the production process.
  • How crucial it is today that manufacturers put MES applications at the center of their shop-floor technology strategy, to be the catalyst of long-lasting transformation.


Lorenzo Veronesi profile photo
Lorenzo Veronesi
Reasearch Manager, IDC Manufacturing Insights EMEA

Lorenzo Veronesi is a Research Manager for IDC Manufacturing Insights EMEA. In this role, Veronesi leads the Worldwide Smart Manufacturing research program and supports all the IDC MI research services for EMEA, by looking at digital transformation drivers in multiple manufacturing industry sub-verticals. He is also often involved in consulting projects across the world for end-users, IT vendors and the European Commission. During the last decade his research has focused across key processes such as manufacturing operations management, supply chain management, and product lifecycle management in multiple manufacturing verticals, including – among others – automotive, aerospace, machinery, high-tech, chemicals, CPG, and fashion.

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