The digital twin can substantially boost the ability of electronics manufacturers to better monitor their process performance and train/deploy their employees faster.
How the MES alleviates electronics manufacturers challenges through better integration and connected orchestration.
Industry 4.0 leverages both the Internet of Things-based devices and cloud-based computing, using AR and/or VR for an enriched and immersive experience, enabling enterprises to react faster. Armed with high quality information, the resulting actions help to achieve Industry 4.0 benefits associated with speed, accuracy, clarity and in some cases, innovation.
If you are running a paperless program in manufacturing or thinking about starting it, this article is a must read. And I have chosen to start it by giving you already the three main takeaways:
Prone to human error, inefficient and inflexible, predisposed to decision lag are hidden costs of paper-based systems; The choice of the right tool to go paperless shall consider its Integration Capabilities and Configurability, Usability, and Mobility; This is a journey. Start to process your data quickly with an easy-to-use interface and soon you will get deeper insights to rethink your manufacturing processes.
Delivering perfect orders isn´t easy, but having the right technological tools will help your company to get the most value of manufacturing data and make you outperform, shaping the difference between failing and succeeding in Order Management, especially in highly vertically integrated industries.